Συνεργασία IRINI DARLASI (ΙΔΡΥΤΉΣ) Δ.Σ.ΣΤΑΔΙΟΥ ΤΕΓΕΑ - PRIMARY SCHOOL OF STADIO TEGEA, STADIO TEGEA ARCADI Andrea Mennella (ΙΔΡΥΤΉΣ) I CDS "San Filippo" di Città di Castello / International Primary School "San Filippo" , Città di Castello (PG), Ιταλία

2014-11-21 11:32

Our point of departure being a joint curriculum, we will study together the Hellenic Civilization in the Pre-IndoEuropean (Minoan , Crete) and the IndoEuropean characteristics devoting attention to Historians like Esiodo and Tucidide. Our study will include: 1. Basic elements about the Origins of the Hellenic Civilization. 2. An example of the Minoan-IndoEuropean Culture (Crete). 3. An example of the Arcadic-IndoEuropean Culture (Tegea: Temple of Athena Alea). 4. Old and Modern Greek Language: Basic words to be drawn, coloured and scanned. 5. Greek and English words for Peace.

Διαθεματικό πρόγραμμα, Ιστορία, Ιστορία του Πολιτισμού, Κλασσικές γλώσσες, Μαθήματα Δημοτικού, Ξένες Γλώσσες, Πληροφορική/ΤΠΕ, Φιλοσοφία/λογική
Ηλικία μαθητή:
9 - 12
Εργαλεία που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν:
Chat, email, TwinSpace, Άλλο λογισμικό (Powerpoint, βίντεο, φωτογραφίες και σχέδια), Ακουστική διάσκεψη, Βίντεο διάσκεψη, Δημοσίευση στο Διαδίκτυο, Εικονικό περιβάλλον εκμάθησης (κοινότητες, εικονικές τάξεις, .....), Ημερολόγιο του έργου, Φόρουμ
1. to have a positive impact on the development on students' key competencies. 2. to contribute and promote the holistic view of students learning, personal and social development going beyond subject boundaries. 3. to develop creativity and other essential learning competences integral to student development. 4. to share our study and research on Hellenic Civilization 
Διαδικασία της εργασίας :
Our educational scenario, based on the project pedagogical approach, is going to be defined in several phases. We will share photos, postcards, drawings, written messages and powerpoint presentations. A videoconference is also under consideration.
Αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματα:
Our students are expected to develop their intercultural and multilingual competencies. As for the elementary students who are involved in this learning process, they will fill in self-assessment evaluation forms and they willo get the most of the co-operative learning as a team (Frey). Our work will be posted in our school website.